Landscape Drainage Solutions

If pooling water is a problem with your lawns or landscape we can help!

We Can Help You Fix Pooling Water On Your Lawn Or Landscape

We install landscape drainage solutions

Drainage System Installations And Drainage Solutions
We install and repair landscape drainage systems

One of the keys to keeping your landscaping (and property) in good shape is ensuring you have proper drainage in place.  Drainage issues can cause premature erosion, property damage, damage to buildings and foundations, and they can be very expensive to repair.  Depending on what your drainage issues are there could be a number of ways to address the problem and solve it once and for all.

What Type Of Drainage Problem Do You Have?

  • Is there water pooling up on your property?
  • Does your property have soil erosion due to heavy rain?
  • Do you have soft spots in your lawns or gardens?
  • Do you have standing water around your foundation?
  • Is your driveway or parking area a wet mess when it rains?

Without proper drainage in place your landscaping and lawn areas can be prone to flooding, it can drown out your expensive plants, erode away expensive hardscaping, and even cause damage to your structures and their foundations.

Perfect Images Landscaping is a landscaping contractor based out of Liberty, SC and serving Clemson, Easley, Six Mile, Pickens County and Anderson County.  We specialize in installing lawn and garden drainage systems and offering real solutions for properties with a drainage or standing water problem.  Many of our clients properties suffer from poor drainage or have drainage systems that just weren’t implemented correctly from the start which has led to significant erosion problems, water pooling, soft spots, and flooding in their lawns, gardens and landscapes.  We can help solve these problems by developing a solid plan for your property.

Many of our clients properties suffer from poor drainage or have drainage systems that just weren't implemented correctly from the start which has led to significant erosion problems, water pooling, soft spots, and flooding in their lawns, gardens and landscapes.  We can help solve these problems by developing a solid plan for your property.

What Is A Drainage Swale?

A drainage swale is a shallow channel or depression that is designed to carry and manage stormwater runoff. It is typically found in landscaped areas, such as along the side of a road or where a culvert outflow is located.  Swales are used to intercept and convey excess water from storms or other sources to a drainage outlet, such as a storm drain or a natural waterway.

Drainage swales are often used as an alternative to traditional stormwater management systems, such as underground pipes, because they can be more visually appealing and have a variety of additional benefits, such as providing habitat for wildlife and helping to reduce erosion. Drainage swales are typically lined with river rock or with vegetation, such as grasses or native plants, which helps to filter pollutants and sediment from the water as it flows through the channel.

Drainage System Installation and Repair

  • Drainage system design
  • Drainage system installation
  • Underground drainage and piping
  • Drainage swale installation
  • French drain installations
  • Drainage system repairs
  • Drain box and catch basin installation
  • Downspout drainage systems
  • Stream and creek beds for channeling water
  • Drainage problem correction

Does Your Property Have Water Drainage Problems?

Drainage issues should be addressed during the landscape design process and before your actual landscape is installed.  Because every property we work on is different a good landscape designer will take the time to understand how water may flow from your property, what type of soil conditions you have, and they will also know and understand the rainfall in your area and/or how high the static water table might be.  Knowing all of these factors can help us plan out an effective drainage solution for your specific property.

It's often during sustained and heavy rainfall when a drainage problem will surface.  After a few days of rain, a property with poor drainage will become obvious.  You'll visibly see water pooling in low spots, your lawn or gardens will be muddy, you may see erosion taking place, and a host of other problems.  If the water table (sub-surface water) is high in your area, then rainfall only makes the problem that much worse.

Drainage Problems We Solve

High Water Tables

A high water table can pose a challenge for any landscape. The water table is water that lies close to the soil surface.  It can vary depending on where you are located.  If you have a high water table then the low lying areas of your landscape can often have pooling water.  Often the best solution for a high water table is to plant appropriate trees, shrubs, and other plants that are capable of handling these wet, boggy, conditions.  These are often plantings that natively grow in riparian areas.

Another option to solve a high water table drainage problem is to raise the lawn areas or planting and garden bed areas up.  You can do this by mounding up areas with additional soil and appropriate plantings to keep it held together or you can even used raised garden beds.

Excess Water Pooling On The Surface

If your property has clay-based soil then you may have problems with surface water pooling up.  Clay is a very dense material and doesn't allow for good drainage.  Surface water issues can often be solved by properly grading the property away from the home and into a swale or french drain that can channel the water away from your property and into an existing storm drain or drainage ditch of some type.

One of the most popular and effective drainage systems to install for a surface water problem is the French drain.  This is a time-tested drainage solution that gathers water and channels it to a place underground (usually a trench filled with gravel and perforated pipe) where the water can take its time percolating down through the soil.

More Ideas For Solving Your Drainage Problems

Careful Construction Practices - Often drainage problems surface after extensive construction or site-work has been completed on a property.  Activities such as removing and placing fill, property grading, and digging of foundations or footings can alter the drainage on a property.  When construction occurs on your property care must be taken to avoid compaction of the soil and also to make sure that your property is graded to channel water away from low-lying areas and your home or buildings foundation.

Regulate Your Irrigation System - Many irrigation systems are setup to deliver water to a lawn, garden, or landscape over a set period of time rather than on the needs of those specific plants.  It's a good idea to set your irrigation to meet the needs of your specific landscape rather than set it on a timed schedule.  For example, if you're irrigation system runs for an hour in the evening, but the plantings are sufficiently watered within 15 minutes, that extra 45 minutes of watering doesn't make much sense and likely contributes to the poor drainage issues.

Check For Broken Plumbing Or Sewer Lines - In some cases, poor drainage, or pooling, standing water can be the symptoms of a broken, clogged, or corroded sewer or drain line.  If your drainage issues are accompanied by a foul sewage smell, then this could be part of your problem. We also see pooling water caused by broken municipal water pipes or sprinkler pipes.  The broken piping causes the excess water to pool near the surface.

Adapt Plantings To Site Conditions - If your property is continually suffering from drainage problems due to a high water table then it's a good idea to make sure your plantings are "drinkers" you want to carefully select plants, trees, and shrubs that require lots of water or that thrive in excess moisture.

If you'd like to schedule a consultation to discuss your drainage system or to correct drainage issues you might be experiencing with your property we'd be happy to meet with you.  Please call (803) 747-6669 or fill out our online form and we'll get right back to you.

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